Friday, May 22, 2009

koleksi foto produk musik dan bisnis duniamarching

bisnis kami bergerak khusus di bidang alat musik dan seni anakdan ini
adalah salah satu inovasi kami dalam memperbaharui model alat musik dan pakaian drumband anak.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Here it !!! my way to succes that I want to share with you about "DRUMBAND"

at the first of my carrier of this bisnis, first i meet and make some deal
with the owner of drumband factory,i ask to him to give me some example
and price list of their item ,so i tell to them that i want to help to promote and
sale their product, but its done with my own price list ,i was mark up their price
about15% from basic price,and beside that ask to them to give you about 10%compesation if you was succes to sale thier product.If they agree to your negociation,to makes your way to promote it to be good and succesfully,you must
give some trick to makes your next buyers very interest to your opportunity.
first step that you must to do is:

At least 1 years guarrantee to your product if make it deals with you.
2. Give your buyers free bonus about 4 times to training them .to be continue....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


INDONESIA is the country which the thing named "DRUMBAND " growth very fast and so interest to be asked and looked especially at kindergarten schools and elementary schools.Every where in this country that in one years ,you can see much of even and drumband festival in each region of indonesia ..why that can be happened especially in childs level ?..because support of the parents to their kids is very high to can play it.You can see very anthusiasm of them at THR(TAMAN HIBURAN RAKYAT)at SURABAYA town ..eastjava,usually this even it being happen
in JUNE ..that's only one example there is alot of them in other place,so its very good to be makes it a new way to produce alot of its gonna be ?
There is some way to create drumband bisnis who everyone can do that...what's the way ?
there was 8 way that you can start to beginning this bisnis..its easy way!!! find and read that in my next article ok?!!see you soon...and thanks to read my first article .